Crystal quartz is a positive uniaxial crystal. Optical grade crystal quartz features high transmittance from 200nm to 3500 nm, a high damage threshold, and excellent resistance to both scratching and chemical attacks. It exhibits a refractive index difference around 0.009 and it is widely used to make waveplates for polarization transformation.

Figure 1: External transmittance curve for 7mm quartz crystal
Transparency Range (nm) |
Crystal Symmetry Class |
Trigonal, D3(32)
Lattice Constant (Å) |
a=4.9, c=5.4
Crystal Class |
Positive Uniaxial
Melting Temperature (K)
1740 |
Specific Heat (Cal/g·K) at 273K
0.17 |
Thermal Conductivity (W/m·K) at 300K
||: 9.5 ⊥: 6.10 |
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (/K) at 300K
||: 7.74X10-6 ⊥: 14.0X10-6 |
Refractive Indices |
no=1.542737, ne=1.551809 at 630nm no=1.527606, ne=1.53596 at 1550nm
Laurent Series Equation (λ in um) |
no2=2.35728-0.0117·λ2+0.01054·λ-2+ 1.34143·10-4·λ-4-4.45368·10-7·λ-6+5.92362·10-8·λ-8 ne2=2.3849-0.01259·λ2+0.01079·λ-2+ 1.6518·10-4·λ-4-1.94741·10-6·λ-6+9.36476·10-8·λ-8
Density (g/cm3) |
2.65 |
Young's Modulus (GPa)
||: 97.2 ⊥: 76.5 |
Shear Modulus (GPa)
31.14 |
Mohs Hardness |
7 |
Table 1: Crystal Quartz Properties